I am a “big woods” girl from northern Wisconsin , living & loving on the prairie in Saskatchewan, Canada. I love traveling, coffee shops, research and spending time with family & friends. My interest in integrated nutrition & supplementation began when I was a teenager. I witnessed loved ones struggle with eating disorders, depression & anxiety, diabetes & auto immune issues. I always had this belief that there had to be options, resources, and help for people. I have researched integrative nutrition, herbs, supplements and fitness for wellness, for years – simply because I was curious about how they could help people….and if I found out something awesome – I could share it with loved ones! Fast forward to a couple years ago; I decided to do whatever I needed to do to become a Health & Wellness Coach. I continue to study, research and learn ways to help people live with hope, obtain resources to feel & live well, and a strategy to implement it all.

Kim Wagner
Posts by Kim Wagner
Why Exercise Isn’t Enough
Why Exercise Isn’t Enough… I was in my 30’s before I began to grasp an understanding – or even really care, that there was a...
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