Kyla Bernstein

Holistic Nutrition Canada Nanaimo

I’m Kyla and after working for the provincial government for 15 years I finally decided it was time to follow my dreams and start my career as a Holistic Nutritionist.  In 2012 I became pregnant with my second child and it was a rough nine months.  I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes that I just couldn’t get a handle on and following delivery developed postpartum depression that went undiagnosed for eight years, by then it was full blown depression.  In 2021 I had hit the height of my depression and recognized I needed to do something drastic to get well again.  I quit my full time job to focus on school, my mental and physical health.  The tools I have learned so far with Nutraphoria have gone a long way to healing myself and I am excited to get my Holistic Nutritionist designation so I can help other people find their maximum potential.

“Let Food Be They Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food” ~ Hippocrates

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