Lecia Massey-Badgley

Currently enrolled in CHNC program Grande Prairie

Hello!  It’s so nice to see you today.  Welcome to my little journey of life, where wonderful and great things are happening for me, as they will for you.  Join me, lets delve into a new world of possibilities, in health, pain management, a greater quality of life, and some goal setting.  Lets talk about the things that really matter, to you!  Think no one is listening?  Check that, I am!

I am currently enrolled in Nutraphoria’s Certified Holistic Nutrition & Health Coach Program.  This is where I learn to dot the i’s and cross the t’s in a language both you and I can understand and get results with.  It also pulls together some 18 years of alternate modems and helping people just like you.  Things like essential oil usage,  babies and their special care, overwhelmed mom’s, teen acne, eating well for you, taking the little steps to action, and Touch for Health – certification provided from the International Kinesiology College, to name a few.

So you know what?  Reach out!  Give me a call!  I look forward to getting to know you!

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Education for a Healthy Future

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