Never has healthy as a different outfit on everyone been more true. I am a woman; vulnerable and strong, who strives to live a healthy, clean life and want to inspire the people around me to feel good. I live with my family of four amongst the trees and lakes with purpose. We strive to be active outside and eat a whole foods, mostly vegetarian diet. While living this way feels so good, I realize it is not always easy for everyone (us too sometimes)! I have learned that small changes toward meeting goals make a HUGE difference. I chose to become a Holistic Health Coach so I could continue my own health journey and find ways to gently help others as well. Over the past decade, my learning and experiences has taken me to find the benefits of nutrition, exercise, meditation, the power of nature, essential oils, bullet journalling, and natural products in the home. I believe health is not one thing or one part of ourselves, but so many details of our body, mind and spirit that feed off each other. Tea cups up to you and have a healthy today!