Come visit us in Kelowna, B.C. TTrue Health Canada is owned and operated by Certified Nutritional Microscopy Practitioner, Lorraine Andres RHNP, in partnership with her husband, Richard.Lorraine offers advanced techniques of Live & Dry Blood Analysis, Holistic Nutritional coaching and natural, food-sourced supplements (including blood type specific) to clients seeking improved health.Her passion is to help people achieve a balanced, healthy lifestyle with natural, non-invasive protocols.Lorraine has a University level background in specialized training in Equine psychology, nutrition, applied kinesiology and rehabilitation. She has also earned a Certificate as a Canine Raw Food Nutrition Specialist.Her extensive training in health and nutrition has been expanded to include live blood training through a London, England based facility, in partnership with Neogenesis Systems, with Dr. Okker Botha ND, of Johannesburg, South Africa.Lorraine is backed by a Naturopathic and Medical Doctor base by the recognized International Complimentary Medicine Association, which sets her apart as the preeminent Certified Natural Microscopy Practitioner serving Kelowna and the Okanagan region of British Columbia.TTrue Health Canada is also host to other practitioners offering Colonic Hydrotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Body Talk & Educational/Support Seminars.Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Don’t mask symptoms with synthetic medications; heal the cause.

Lorraine Andres
Posts by Lorraine Andres
Breakfast Bonus
Breakfast doesn’t have to be boring! You need to start your day with helping your whole metabolism flush excess acids not digested from the day...
Read MoreWild-Rice Waffles
This recipe makes me excited! You will be too when you try them. They’re too good not to share! Wild-Rice Waffles Ingredients 2 large egg...
Read MoreCherry Walnut Breakfast Bread
Are you in need of a nutritious and quick ‘breakfast-on-the-go’? Try this recipe toasted and topped with nut butter or home-made jam. Cherry Walnut Breakfast...
Read MoreMagnificent Magnesium
Magnificent Magnesium Could we be underestimating how great this mineral is? Yes, we have read how many protocols include magnesium, however, I’ve discovered even more...
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