Marien Rojas

Food as Medicine Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Holistic Nutrition for Health Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Calgary

I’m a Chemist passionate about healing by food! My interest to learn about nutrition came since I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I want to help myself to have a better quality life, help people that could be suffering from the same kind of disease and others to avoid getting sick.

Posts by Marien Rojas

Immune Turmeric – Ginger Bomb

Immune Turmeric – Ginger Bomb Do you want to improve your health, especially this winter´s cold days? This tea is super powerful to boost your...

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Zucchini Pizza Bites Nutraphoria

Zucchini Pizza Bites

This healthy recipe is a very good option for dinner or a snack and is very simple to do… Let’s start it! Zucchini Pizza Bites...

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Blessed Avocado Nutraphoria

Blessed Avocado

Blessed Avocado This delicious nut-fruit offers more beneficial properties than the delicious buttery – creamy sensation in your mouth! It is well known that Avocado...

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Education for a Healthy Future

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