Hey! My name is Nomes and I love vegetables!
I’m pretty passionate about food, natural health and the environment. I eat a mostly plant-based diet, although I occasionally will indulge in honey and backyard eggs. I do my best to live waste-free and stay away from commercial cleaning and beauty products.
A number of years ago my sister discovered she had some severe food intolerances; all processed sugars, soy products and dairy. This change in her life brought about a complete restructuring in how she looked at food and how she nourished herself. She began a food blog to document her progress and impressed me with her new love of whole foods. I was always the cook in the family, so it was nice to see her gain confidence in the kitchen. She inspired me to begin experimenting with recipes and nutrition.
Now, 2 years later, I have immersed myself in the study of Holistic Nutrition and have recently completed my level 1 yoga teacher training. Pairing my love for cooking and my yoga practice, I hope to inspire people to find health from within.
I strongly believe that you can heal yourself through food, natural medicine and physical activity. I no longer crave cake, I crave dates.