Nikki Sharp

Autoimmune Disease Currently enrolled in CHNC program Digestive Health Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Nutrition Coach Ontario South Cayuga

Nikki is a mother, a wife, a grandmother and a lover of all things holistic. In her teenage years,  Nikki noticed a few things with her health that seemed a little “off” and as the years passed, other annoying little symptoms started rearing their ugly head. Ultimately she came to accept that this was just “the norm” for her and went on with life.

Fast forward a decade, or so.  After suffering a traumatic experience, a boatload of antibiotics and a big life change,  things got a lot worse. After many Dr visits, specialists and unnecessary tests things didn’t appear to be getting better and she was no closer to an answer. This is when she decided to back away from mainstream medicine and take her health into her own hands.  Countless days and nights researching, a major diet change as well as working with an ND,  finally things started to make sense. Her gut microbiome was totally out of whack and when this happens our entire body starts fighting against us!

“Our gut” is the home to our enteric nervous system, it’s our second brain and affects so many aspects of our health.  Nikki discovered that she was suffering with leaky gut, histamine and mast cell issues. This caused a variety of unpleasant, ongoing symptoms.

Her mission now is to help others in their recovery and to continue practicing holistic nutrition to better serve her community.

“If diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. If diet is correct, medicine is of no need”

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