Sandra Chu

Consulting Holistic Health Coach Kinesiology & Nutrition Nutrition & Wellness Coach Calgary

Hello!  I am a health and wellness educator and promoter who is passionate about preventative health, but I also love food!  I think trying new foods and experimenting with different recipes is fun!  I know not everyone has that perspective and may not want to be adventurous with what they eat though and helping clients learn to make better dietary choices needs to go beyond ‘try it, you’ll like it’.  Through my learnings in the Holistic Nutrition Health Coach program I hope to be able to help my clients identify the what and why’s that resonate with them so that eating and food is a pleasurable yet healthy experience.  I strive to support and empower my clients to move forward and take control of their wellbeing no matter what their situation.  I try to instill in my clients that each step they take, no matter the size, is an accomplishment.

Posts by Sandra Chu

Roasted Vegetable And Quinoa Bowl

Roasted Vegetable Quinoa Bowl I love making this bowl as it is relatively quick and easy to prepare and allows me to add some variety...

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Banana Oat Smoothie Nutraphoria

Banana Peanut Butter Oats Breakfast Bowl

Banana Peanut Butter Oats Breakfast Bowl This can be prepped the night prior to provide a quick, hearty and nutritious breakfast to get you going...

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5 Ways To Keep Well This Winter Nutraphoria

5 Ways To Keep Well This Winter

As the transition to winter occurs and cold and flu season sets upon us, keeping our immune system functioning at a high level and taking...

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5 Tips to Enhance Your Omega 3 Intake

5 Tips to Enhance Your Omega 3 Intake Many people consider dietary fat a bad thing, something to be avoided at all cost. Yet fats...

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