Tabita van der Geer

Holistic and Sports Nutrition Personal Trainer Charlottetown

Dear Reader,

Thank you for tuning in! My name is Tabita van der Geer and I am an ISSA Personal Trainer, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition and yoga instructor based out of Prince Edward Island, Canada. I enrolled in the RHN program to expand my knowledge in the field of nutritional medicine and be able to apply my knowledge more confidently from a coaching perspective. Being passionate about food and writing, my goal is to become an avid food blogger, while providing coaching services in which clients get the care and confidence they need to succeed in this ever-so-busy world we live in.

I hope you enjoyed my post and continue to read articles that encourage you to make adventurously healthy decisions!

Posts by Tabita van der Geer

Hazelnut Brownies Nutraphoria

Sweet Hazelnut Brownies

Naturally Sweet You won’t feel guilty adding these delicious squares into your diet! In fact, you’ll find that they provide a nice boost of energy...

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