Tammy Miller

Consulting Food as Medicine Holistic Health and Wellness Nutrition & Wellness Coach Peace River

As a student enrolled in Nutraphoria’s Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach Certification program I am eager to learn all I can about the intricately designed human body. I hope to use the knowledge I gain to both look back at the conventional health protocols given to my aging parents and guiding them safely in a more holistic direction, as well look forward to influencing my young adult children to make wise healthful decisions during their progression through life someday starting families of their own.

My husband and I are constantly trying to perfect our homesteading skills. We raise pastured laying hens for their incomparable organic farm fresh eggs and heritage sheep for their deliciously healthy grass fed organic lamb. We strive to tend to these animals, and a garden as well, in a way that emulates and respects the created world rather than working against it. I desire to coach people along a journey to optimal health by applying this same principle as it relates to holistic nutrition.

Posts by Tammy Miller

Kombucha Nutraphoria

DIY Kombucha

DIY Kombucha Kom…bu…Who? Kombucha is a healthy and delicious fermented tea beverage. This wholesome tonic is made with three simple ingredients: tea, sugar, and a...

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The Adaptogen Blend

The Adaptogen Blend Do you need more energy? Are you going through a time of stress? Would you like to help your body recover after...

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