Specialization Courses

Specialization Course Selections

In addition to our practitioner diploma programs, our school also offers a range of individual online nutrition and holistic health specialization courses for additional certifications and CEC credits.

You are welcome to choose from and enroll in any of the courses listed which may be taken individually for general interest or as part of one of our practitioner diploma programs.  When you enrol in a specialization course in combination with the Holistic Nutrition & Health Coach program or Holistic Nutritionist program, there is a tuition discount applied to the specialization course.

Click the “learn more” link below to get more information about each of the individual online courses offered.

On each specialization course page, you will find options to enrol in the course on its own or in combination with one of the programs.

  • childhood nutrition course nutraphoria

    Childhood Nutrition Specialist

    Accredited Holistic-Focused, Evidence-Based Online Childhood Nutrition Course. Includes Pre/Postnatal Nutrition. Learn About the Impact of Nutrients on Growth and Development.

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  • vegan vegetarian course nutraphoria

    Plant-Based Nutrition Specialist

    CEC/Specialization Course. Learn about the health benefits of a plant based diet while ensuring you avoid common nutritional deficiency pitfalls. This course will teach you everything you need to know about being a healthy vegetarian or vegan in all stages of the lifecycle. Can be taken on its own, or as part of the Holistic Nutrition & Health Coach Certification as a Speciality.

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  • aromatherapy practitioner

    Aromatherapy Practitioner

    Essential oils have a long proven history of health benefits.  They have been used for centuries around the world for mental and physical healing and even before oils were extracted, the aromatic herbs they come from were used in healing practices.

    Whether you are a health practitioner or someone who is interested in aromatherapy, this course will help you navigate how to get the most out of your oils.  You will also fully understand the chemical constituents and how to incorporate oils safely.

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  • sports nutrition course

    Sport & Fitness Nutrition Specialist

    When it comes to exercise, WHAT you eat is as important as WHEN you eat. You will have a solid understanding of the role nutrition plays in relation health, sport and exercise and how to nourish the body to achieve optimum performance, health and longevity.  The program was designed with personal trainers and coaches in mind to bring your business and your clients to the next level.   

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Healthy Body • Healthy Mind • Healthy Spirit

Education for a Healthy Future

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