Brenda Lafantaisie

Consulting Family Meals General Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Claresholm Alberta

Hello  My name is Brenda and I am a Red Seal Chef … who loves all aspects of food  . My first 15 yrs in the food industry I worked in many restaurants and hotels  classic  and tradition foods.  After a dive in the the market  I had to reinvent my career and turned to the Healthcare Industry.   I was exposed to all kinds of diets and individual nutritional needs.  This opened a whole new world world to me I decided  to better service the clients I was serving  I would have to educate myself. so I read books and take courses constantly keeping up date on new trend .

Posts by Brenda Lafantaisie

Mushroom Bacon Nutraphoria

Mushroom Bacon

Mushroom Bacon A tasty alternative to the real thing …… Preheat oven to 350 F Ingredients  2 tbsp Virgin Olive Oil 3 tbsp Brown Sugar...

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Cinnamon Benefits Nutraphoria

What’s In The Bark?

Who doesn’t like Moms Apple pie, a sprinkle of cinnamon on a latte or a bowl of warm oatmeal with the comforting aroma of cinnamon...

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Sweet Potato Crust Spinach and Goat Cheese Quiche

Packed with beta carotene, iron and protein this light supper with a side salad is a must! Sweet Potato Crust Spinach and Goat Cheese Quiche...

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