Terri Lynn Driedger

Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Canada Canmore

I specialize in helping women feel at peace around food again by embracing food freedom!

*Currently NOT accepting new clients!

Posts by Terri Lynn Driedger

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Explained

When I explain to people that I am Certified in Intuitive Eating, the majority of the time the next line I hear is something like,...

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Becoming a Fat Nutrition Counsellor

My journey in the health & wellness space began with being a skinny weight loss health coach.  It molded into me going back to school...

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How Dieting Taught me to Hate my Body

Dieting teaches us to love our bodies, right?  I mean this is what we are sold in our society! Struggling with body image?  Diet Struggling...

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Healthy Body • Healthy Mind • Healthy Spirit

Education for a Healthy Future

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