10 Simple Steps to Reduce Toxins

October 17, 2017

We are exposed to many different toxins in our air, our water, the food we eat and the things we put on our skin. These toxins can affect our health in different ways.  Some of the symptoms related to toxicity are headaches, depression, low energy, allergies, skin issues and digestive problems.

10 Simple Steps to Reduce Toxins

Below are some suggestions for reducing the toxins we are exposed to each and every day.

  • Replace household cleaning products with vinegar, essentials oils, and baking soda. Most cleaning products contain a multitude of toxic chemicals that contaminate the air and the water used in cleaning. Surfaces can be disinfected with vinegar and essential oils. Baking soda makes an excellent non-scratching abrasive cleaner.  Clogged drains can be opened with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda.
  • Replace all non-stick cookware with glass, stainless steel, and cast iron. Most non-stick cookware contains harsh chemicals that contaminate food and release toxins into air when heated. Glass and stainless steel are safe replacements and cooking in cast iron can actually increase the iron content of food cooked in them.
  • Replace all scented paraffin and soy candles with beeswax candles. Paraffin candles (regular wax candles) are made from petroleum products and chemical fragrances that emit toxins when burnt.  Soy candles do the same.  Beeswax candles, alternatively actually clean the air when burnt.
  • Replace all air fresheners with baking soda and essential oils. Air fresheners release toxic chemicals in your air, and they do not clean the air, they only mask the smells.  Baking soda can remove odours from the air and diffusing essential oils cannot only add pleasant smells in your air but also have many health and mood enhancing effects.
  • Get rid of your toothpaste. Brush with water or essential oils. Make your own toothpaste. Oil pulling with coconut oil has been proven to disinfect your mouth.
  • Ditch your deodorant. Antiperspirants and deodorants contain many harsh chemicals including parabens, phthalates, and aluminum, which could contribute to Alzheimer’s and breast cancer.  There are many simple recipes online for making your own, or you can purchase one of these chemical-free products Primal Pit Paste or Primal Life Organics.
  • Replace your body care and make-up products with natural varieties or better yet, make your own. Because there are no regulations on the labeling of body care and make-up products, read the ingredients and do your research. And keep in mind that making your own products is actually quite easy.
  • Add some plants to your home. Plants are incredible at cleaning indoor air, which has been shown to be more polluted than outdoor air. The following plants are the top choices for air purifying: Spider Plant, Dracaena, Ficus/Weeping Fig, Peace Lily, Boston Fern, Snake Plant/Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, Bamboo Palm.
  • Reduce the amount of pesticides that you eat by familiarizing yourself with the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen. Fruits and vegetables on the Dirty Dozen list should only be purchased organic or not at all. The Clean Fifteen are fruits and vegetables that have been shown to have very low levels of pesticides. All non-organic produce should be soaked in a solution of vinegar and water prior to eating or cooking.
  • Use glass or stainless steel for storing food and liquids. Reusing glass jars is the most economical way of accomplishing this. Glass jars can be used to freeze foods, store leftovers in the fridge and even make an inexpensive water bottle.

About the Author

Jennifer O’Donnell

Holistic Health Coach Nutrition & Wellness Coach

British Columbia

Jennifer O’Donnell is a Nutrition Coach student and a life-long nutrition student. My education in nutrition began when I was only 8 years old and...

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