10 Ways Bee Pollen Can Benefit Your Health

November 23, 2017

10 Ways Bee Pollen Can Benefit Your Health

Bee Pollen is a superfood, it is one of nature’s most completely nourishing food, created for the young bee, it has almost all the nutrients required for human beings to thrive. I would consider it nature’s multivitamin.

It has approximately 40% protein, containing half of it in the form of free amino acids, which is ready to be used immediately by the body.

Bees should be highly respected for the amount of work they do to create the bee pollen. In a one teaspoon dose of pollen it takes one bee working eight hours a day for one month to gather. One teaspoon of pollen pellet contains over 2.5 billion grains of flower pollen. Once they have gathered the flower pollen they store them in their corbiculae which are specific baskets situated on their hind legs. They then take it back to the hive pack it into the honeycomb cells covering it with a thin layer of honey and wax creating bee bread, which then goes through fermentation. A lot of work.

10 benefits of bee pollen for your health

Energy Enhancer

  • Bee pollen contains carbohydrates, protein, and the B vitamins which fights off not only fatigue but also enhances your stamina, this is why a lot of athletes have been found to use bee pollen as a supplement.

Skin Soother

  • Bee Pollen has been used in a lot of natural skin products, used topically it can treat inflammatory conditions and common skin conditions, such as psoriasis, and eczema. The amino acids and vitamins in bee pollen helps to protect the skin and helps regenerate the cells of the skin.

Respiratory System

  • Due to the high amount of antioxidants in bee pollen, it may create an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues of the lungs, possibly preventing the onset of asthma.

The Treatment of Allergies

  • Many allergies cause a high amount of histamine to occur, bee pollen has a way of reducing the presence of histamines, which in turn eliminates many allergies. Dr. Leo Conway MD of Denver, Colorado confirms that bee pollen helps to eliminate allergies. He reported that 94% of his patients were completely free from allergy symptoms once they were treated with oral feedings of bee pollen. From asthma to allergies to sinus problems, they were all cleared up.

Helping the Digestive System

  • Besides vitamins, minerals and protein, bee pollen also contains enzymes which help the digestive system in metabolizing our food.

Immune System Booster

  • According to Dr Joseph Mercola, bee pollen has antibiotic properties that help protect our immune system from viruses. It is also good for our intestinal flora which also supports our immune system. They are high in antioxidants which protect our cells from the free radicals that when oxidized damages our cells.

Treats Addictions

  • In healing addictions bee pollen inhibits cravings by suppressing the impulse to indulge in the addiction. This may be of great benefit for people who want to lose weight. Even so, more research has to be done for this benefit.

Heart and Blood Health

  • Bee pollen is also good for stimulating the production and activity of white and red blood cells. In turn cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood can normalize. Due to the high levels of rutin, bee pollen can help with the circulation, preventing heart attacks and strokes, while also strengthening the capillaries and blood vessels.

Aid to the Prostate in Men

  • Bee pollen can also help men who suffer from benign prostate hyperplasia giving them relief from the frequent urges to urinate, bee pollen reduces the inflammation.

Infertility Problems

  • For people who are having problems conceiving, bee pollen stimulates and restores ovarian function. It is also a hormone booster and a super aphrodisiac.

*Take a spoonful of bee pollen preferably with a piece of fruit or in a fruit smoothie. When taken with fruit the fibers reinforce the activity of the fresh pollen, which then a light cleansing happens in the intestinal flora.*

Side Effects of Bee Pollen

  • If you have an allergy to pollen it is probably not a good idea to take bee pollen supplements, it could cause severe reactions such as itching, swelling, shortness of breath, light headedness, and whole body reactions as severe as anaphylaxis. Also pregnant and breastfeeding women and people on medication should also not take bee pollen.

About the Author

Heidi Zator

Childhood Nutrition, Post & Pre Natal Consulting Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Detoxification Digestion, Hormonal Balance, Weight loss Digestive Health General Nutrition and Meal Plans Holistic Health and Wellness Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Holistic Nutrition Coach Holistic Nutritionist Hormone Balancing Nutrition Nutrition & Wellness Coach Nutrition for Families Nutrition, Healing Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Plant based nutrition Pre and Post natal nutrition Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition Vegetarian nutrition Weight Loss Womens Weight Loss and Wellness

British Columbia

Hi my name is Heidi, and I am the proud mother of 5 and grandmother of 1, Natural health has been a strong passion for...

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