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Well it’s that time of year again, winter has arrived and with it viruses. The cold and flu virus has hit with a vengeance. Every year we all hope to avoid coming down with it.
On average, adults get about 3 colds a year, lasting about 1-2 weeks sometimes longer, that’s about a month or more a year feeling miserable, and missing work. No wonder we don’t want to get a cold.
We all wonder can it be avoided. Well here are ten ways to boost your immune system and maybe avoid The virus or lessen it’s severity this year.
1/ Meditate and Breathe
Stress weakens the immune system, in turn making you more prone to getting a virus. Meditation and deep breathing can help to lessen stress in your life and strengthen your immune system. Meditation can cut your chances of getting a cold by 40-50%.
2/ Taking probiotics
Foods containing the bacteria lactobacillus can reduce the risk of getting respiratory colds as well as any stomach flus. People who take probiotics will be less likely to get a cold by 42% according to a Mike Gleeson, PhD professor of exercise biochemistry at Loughborough University in England.
3/ Cut Back on Sugar
When eating foods containing sugar we suppress the immune system for a few hours. It lowers our infection fighting white blood cells, they then lose their ability to fight off viruses as well as bacteria. So cutting back or eliminating sugar from our diets will then help us avoid getting sick.
4/ Eat Real and Natural Foods
Eat foods that are real and as raw as possible. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. Eating foods that are high in antioxidants will boost your immune system as well as your overall health. In turn protecting you from viruses and infections. Foods that are nutrient-dense such as dark leafy green vegetables, berries, salmon, sweet potatoes as well as other fruits and vegetables will help build up your immune system’s defenses. Eating processed foods, refined sugar and flour will dramatically decrease the immune system’s strength and ability to do it’s job.
5/ Drink plenty of Water
When you have a cold or virus, the first thing the doctor or your mother says is drink plenty of fluids. This is very good advise, but this advise shouldn’t only be adhered when you have a cold but all the time. Your mucus membranes and your immune cells need to be hydrated if you want them to work well. So drink plenty of water to keep everything functioning at it’s best,in turn avoiding the virus.
6/ Get Plenty of Sleep
Sleep we all need, to function and keep us strong and healthy. The immune system is no exception. When we sleep, the body does all it’s repair, and the immune system needs that rest to keep you strong, to prepare you for everything you need to do the next day.
7/ Increase your intake of Vitamin C and Zinc
When we are under stress are body uses up vitamin C and zinc very quickly, and if we aren’t getting enough of these nutrients in our food we have to supplement to keep us healthy.
8/ Get Outside in the fresh Air
When you spend too much time indoors during the winter, we breath in all the stale air, all the bacteria and viruses, as well as all the indoor pollution that goes with it. So try and get outdoors and help your immune system with all that fresh crisp winter air.
9/ Exercise
Getting plenty of exercise will help keep your blood flowing, so that your immune cells can circulate properly throughout your body. Studies show that people who exercise five or more days a week will have 43% less days with an upper respiratory colds. Try to exercise at least 30-60 minutes daily, not only will it keep your immune system strong, but it will keep your whole body functioning well.
10/ Wash your hands frequently and keep other surfaces clean.
Washing and drying your hands frequently will prevent the spread of viruses, also by cleaning surfaces with a homemade sanitizing spray with antiviral and antiseptic essential oils such as lavender, lemon, tea tree, peppermint, will stop the spread of the cold and flu in your home, also leaving your home smelling wonderful.
With these tips, your immune system will stay strong, helping you to avoid the cold/flu, and if you do get it, it will lessen the severity, so you can get out and enjoy the beauty that winter has to offer sooner.
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