4 Common Mistakes To Avoid On A Vegan Diet

May 1, 2019

A vegan diet can be healthy, fulfilling and beneficial as a dietary and lifestyle change, but there are common mistakes made while on this diet. Some people who change to a vegan diet especially for health reasons, weight loss or energy, may actually end up feeling awful or lose no weight at all eating this way. Food is fuel but has different uses for different people, and don’t necessarily lead to a more healthy or nutritious diet. Here are at least 4 common mistakes while eating the vegan way.

4 Common Mistakes To Avoid On A Vegan Diet


Long term studies on oil show that oil is not that beneficial. Oil can destroy the inner lining of blood vessels. 1 tbsp of olive oil is 120 cal, no fibre, nutrients, minerals or vitamins, and is a high-calorie dense food. Added fat in the form of oil, increases cholesterol levels and inflammation.

Processed Plant Food

These foods can actually be less healthy than animal protein. They have high sodium and sugars, high fats, are processed, contain artificial ingredients, are low in fibre and nutrients. Example – a baked sweet potato versus sweet potato chips.

Relying On Flour-Based Foods

Flours are highly processed such as white flour and white rice and stripped of its nutrients and enriched or added with added vitamins and minerals. These refined carbohydrates lead to obesity and diabetes.


Whether its coconut, jaggery, maple honey, agave, white sugar, brown sugar etc., these sugars are linked to obesity, weight gain and diabetes and even linked to Alzheimers and cancer. Sugar is sugar and sweeteners are sweeteners. The same number of calories but processed differently but still processed as sugar and metabolized that way in the body.

So when choosing vegan, choose whole plant foods which are pure, natural and simple. Eating a vegan diet can be a healthy way to eat when your meals include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, legumes and whole grains and limit or stay away from the oil, processed vegan foods, white flours and sugar!

About the Author

Josie machaiah

Holistic Health Coach


Patience, empathy and sensitivity has been my strongest traits. Working in corporate environment for many years, and having run an IT company with my hsband...

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