5 Foods for Younger, Glowing Skin

April 24, 2017

It truly fascinates me to see the extremes to which people will go in an attempt to hold onto their youth.  It seems that in this day and age, botox and fillers are as commonplace as crackers and cheese!  I, along with many people, would like to hold onto my youth for as long as possible, but I’m trying to do so as holistically as possible.

When it comes right down to it, I’m a bit of a skincare junkie.  I’ve always taken care of my skin but it wasn’t until a few years ago that I learned how many toxic ingredients are in skincare products.  That is when I really started to research healthier skincare options and switched out all of my personal care products.

Although swapping face creams that contain potentially carcinogenic ingredients is definitely a step in the right direction, all is for naught if one is still consuming an unhealthy diet.  Over the past few years, I have discovered foods that when consumed on a regular basis, have helped me to obtain a bit of a “J Glow”!   There are some really amazing “superfoods” for skin, but I have selected what I believe are the 5 top foods to help you to retain that youthful glow.  These are foods that I regularly consume and I hope that you will find delicious ways to incorporate them into your diet!

My Top 5 Foods for Glowing Skin


Often referred to as Mother Nature’s Moisturizer, this superfood is packed full of vitamins and healthy fats.  They are an excellent source of antioxidants which helps to protect cells from the damage of free radicals. They are a good source of Vitamin A (an antioxidant) which will aid in providing skin with structural integrity.  Avocado’s also contain Vitamin E (another anti-oxidant) that will help to prevent free radicals from oxidizing fats in your skin cells,  which can then lead to aging.  Vitamin C (another anti-oxidant) will assist with the production of elastin and collagen – necessary to help bind skin cells together to maintain firmness and structure.   In addition, avocados are a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids which help to maintain moisture in the epidermal layer of your skin, leaving it soft and hydrated.  Their high oleic acid content assists in regenerating damaged skin cells and the Omega-9 fatty acid content is a building block of a healthy complexion


This sweet and juicy little fruit from “down under” packs a powerful punch when it comes to nutrition.  They are an excellent source of Vitamin C and a good source of Vitamins A and E.  All three vitamins are anti-oxidants and critical to combating free radicals.   As mentioned with the avocado, Vitamins C is important for the production of elastin and collagen and Vitamin A will help skin maintain it’s structural integrity.   Kiwi’s are also rich in soluble fibre which means they will assist your bowels with elimination.   Fibre is critical to assist with the removal of toxins, and removing toxins is another step toward better health and glowing skin!

Sweet Potatoes  

Often considered the celebration potato because it is a holiday favourite used to create tasty dishes such as sweet potato pie.   The sweet potato is extremely high in beta-carotene, a form of Vitamin A.  In fact, a 1 cup serving of this sweet veggie can give you over 400% of your daily allowance of beta-carotene!  Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene will help with cellular turnover and stimulation of new skin cell growth.  The beta-carotene will  help to combat  free radicals that result in wrinkles and aging.   This delicious, orange veggie is also a good source of the B Vitamins, Vitamin C, potassium and iron.


This nutritional powerhouse is loaded with vitamins, minerals,  anti-oxidants and just happens to be low in calories!   A single serving of kale will provide you with your daily requirement of Vitamin K.  Vitamin K is essential for normal blood clotting and will assist in reducing the appearance of dark under eye circles.  Much like the other power house foods on this list, kale is an excellent source of Vitamins C and A.  It’s also a good source of copper, a mineral that boosts the synthesis of melanin – a pigment that protects your skin from the sun.  Copper also works with Vitamin C to form collagen, which we now have established as being essential for a more youthful appearance!


If you’re looking to add radiance and luster to your skin and hair, then look no further than salmon!  Rich in healthy Omega 3 fatty acids, these healthy fats will nourish your skin by reducing the body’s production of inflammatory substances.  Omega 3’s contain alpha-linolenic acid which will decrease dryness while keeping skin soft, smooth and supple. Salmon also contains the carotenoid anti-oxidant of astaxanthin, which can greatly reduce the effects of free radical damage linked to premature aging. Salmon is also a great source of protein which is essential for healthy skin and hair!  As a side, note: aim for wild-caught salmon which contains less mercury.

We live in a world that favours youth and often times, people will spare no expense when it comes to trying to keep a more youthful appearance.  I believe that there are so many ways in which we can assist our bodies and therefore, our skin, to maintain its youthful glow.  We don’t have to advert to expensive cosmetic procedures in an attempt to look younger.  

Many of us know that a wholesome diet, exercise, adequate sleep and plenty of water will help us to maintain a healthy body.  If we combine these practices and avoid smoking, limit alcohol and sun exposure, and use a good (and safe) moisturizer;  then we are well on our way to stalling the hands of Father Time!

About the Author

Shilo Shannon

Childhood & Sports Nutrition Family wellness - it's not about the scale Holistic Health Coach Nutrition & Wellness Coach Nutrition Coach


I’m a wife and mother to an active 11 year old daughter and 10 year old son.  With our busy and active lives, I found...

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