5 Ways To Stay On Track With Your Weight Loss Journey

July 9, 2018

Starting a new weight loss or health journey can be overwhelming. It requires a lot of trial and error to figure out what works best for you. To help you stay on track here are some tips that, in my experience, have helped me see my programs through to the end.

5 Ways To Stay On Track With Your Weight Loss Journey

Cook In Bulk

One thing that has been my lifesaver with not just a weight loss program but also staying organized is cooking in bulk. Every Sunday I have a “meal prep” day which may only take me an hour or two. This includes preparing a large batch of potatoes and rice, washing veggies, and baking or barbecuing a Costco pack of chicken breast. Save all of these in the fridge so when you are ready to eat it’s only a matter of assembling.

Keep A Food Journal

Keeping a food journal is extremely helpful in staying on track with macro counts. It’s easy to get carried away with treats and snacks when you don’t have what you’ve already eaten written down. It can also help you bring awareness to how often, or how little, you are eating. There are plenty of Apps you can download on your phone that make these calculations for you, all you need to do is enter your meals.

Plan Ahead

This one brings tips one and two together. You can plan a whole day of eating the night before and log this in your food journal. This especially comes in handy if you know you will be having a busy day. This will eliminate the guessing work the day-of that comes with trying to hit your macro count. If you want to take it one step further, you can pack your meals the night before so they are ready to go. Planning is also important when it comes to cheat meals. This helps you to stay motivated throughout the day/week knowing you have your reward ahead and prevents you from going overboard with indulging.

Keep It Interesting

We have endless resources at our disposal that can provide us with new, interesting meal ideas that are healthy and simple. When you get into a routine of eating the same meals everyday this leaves you feeling more tempted to slip and fall off track. Try switching up your meals on a weekly basis. Eating healthy does not have to be boring!

Be Kind To Yourself

One of the most important tips I could suggest to someone starting a health/weight loss journey is to focus on self-love. The biggest mistake I have made in previous programs is being too hard on myself and not allowing room for error. This leads to me not being successful, feeling stressed, overwhelmed and resentful for starting what could have been an amazing experience. I only started seeing success when I started listening to my body and gave it what it needed, whether it be sleep, chocolate or a bowl of pasta. We only get one body, so we should provide it with the respect and love it deserves. It is okay if we treat ourselves, as long as we pick ourselves up and get back on track!

About the Author

Brittany Gerrie

Holistic and Sports Nutrition


Health and nutrition has been a passion of mine, even from a young age. As a teenager I researched clean eating diets, and with my...

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