8 Reasons To Eat More Avocado

March 21, 2019

This little passion of mine is neither a secret nor uncommon. The avo fever is a worldwide issue! Like me, loads of people eat this fruit almost on a daily basis and we keep getting surprised at each bite at how tasty it is! The most amazing thing of avocado is not the holy grace it comes when eating it with toast, but all the good, healthy benefits it is loaded with.

Most fruits are mainly carbohydrates, but avocado offers a high content in healthy fats. Now, before you run away at the mere mention of ‘fat’, know that you should be eating some to remain healthy and strong! And avocado, just like olive oil, is an unsaturated, good fat that you should eat instead of avoiding.

These are some of the divine reasons you should eat more avocados.

8 Reasons To Eat More Avocado


Good For Your Skin

A lot of organic cosmetics now include avocado or avocado oil as one of their main ingredients, since it helps to keep the skin hydrated and supple. It also helps fight redness, flaking, and inflammation.

Good For Your Sight

Their content in lutein (which is often sold as a dietary supplement for its benefits) helps stop eye degeneration and prevent visual loss. Dip some raw carrot sticks in your guacamole and you’re good to go!

Prevent Heart Diseases

Several studies have shown that one avocado a day could significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases thanks to its content of folic acid and vitamin B6. This not only includes heart attacks, but also coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathy (about the squeezing of the muscles of the heart), and arrhythmias (about the rhythm of your heart).

Helps Reduce Cholesterol

Very connected to the previous point, avocados can help you fight cholesterol levels and reduce HDL (or bad cholesterol) in your blood, mainly through its beta-sitosterol content. See? Not all fats are bad and cholesterol-inducing! In fact, it is more likely that your low-fat dairy product of the month has a higher risk than an avocado!

High In Fibre

Fibre is your friend, and avocado has more fibre than a lot of fruit! They are, thus, very useful for digestion and to regulate your blood sugar levels.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Just as they help you get rid of redness and skin inflammation, avocados also help fight general inflammation in the body, mainly due to its content in polyphenols and flavonoids (plant-based goodies that help you stay healthy and disease-free!).

A Big Source of Potassium

Avocados have even more potassium than bananas, which is fantastic since this is an essential mineral for the body to function properly. Potassium is also responsible to regulate blood pressure, to maintain proper hydration of the body, and to aid in the contraction-relaxation process of the muscles. Just one avocado contains 20% of our daily needs!

A Great Source of Antioxidants

Avocados have vitamin E and glutathione, the kings and queens of antioxidants. These decrease the damage caused by oxygen (also called oxidation or AGEs); they improve the function of your immune system and allow a healthier cellular environment.

Eating avocados now must sound a little bit closer to bringing your body to a luxury spa, right? You can add them in your epic salads, in your burritos, on toast, with rice and whole-grains, and to any veggie, you might be eating. The healthy fats in it may even help you absorb five times more nutrients than if you didn’t!

Finally, as more and more studies suggest, avocado could also help protect you against some types of cancer (specifically prostate cancer if you are male, and breast cancer if you are female).

What’s your excuse to not enjoy avocado more often?

About the Author

Cristina Santos

Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Plant based nutrition

Writer & journalist from Spain.

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