Are You Drinking Enough Water?

March 21, 2019


Water is the most essential nutrient that we must feed our bodies. Our bodies require it for everything from our most basic functions to the most complex. It is essential for keeping us hydrated and keeping our bodies and organs functioning. It is a protector, transporter, and regulator in our bodies. To simply put it, without water, we would not be able to survive.

Did you know that the daily recommended intake for water is 3.7L per day for men and 2.7L per day for women?

Of course, there are some who will need more than the DRI. For example an athlete, being outdoors in warm weather, those doing strenuous work, etc.

Knowing that our blood consists of 90% water and our muscles are 75% water, it is obvious that water intake is essential to our health, fitness, longevity and vitality.

Whether you fall within the recommended DRI, or above, it is essential that you consume enough water.

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

To those that may be looking to easily increase your water intake, here are some excellent options:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables (fruits, such as watermelon, and vegetables such as cucumber, have great water content!)
  • Carry around a reusable water bottle (if you have it with you, you will remember to take some sips)
  • Try flavoured water (infuse your water with fresh and organic lemon, berries, cucumber, or mint for some wonderful flavours!)
  • Buy a Mammoth Mug! You can find these in sports and nutrition stores or online. They are specialized and reusable jugs that hold 2.5L of water at a time. This is a tried and tested method which I highly recommend. (Trust me, whether I am performing as an athlete or spending the day sitting at work, I find the Mammoth Mug to be essential! They are a great, convenient way to measure your intake. I also find that when I use my Mammoth Mug, I truly do consume more water, meeting my DRI daily!).
  • Track your intake and set fun goals for yourself to reach your daily recommended water intake
  • Try with a friend (Encourage and motivate each other!)

Start small and work towards achieving your goal. Once consuming enough water becomes a habit, it will become part of your healthy lifestyle. Your body will thank you (inside and outside!) for nourishing it with it’s most essential nutrient.

About the Author

Samantha Lederman



Samantha Lederman

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