Are You Drinking Enough Water?  

May 8, 2019

Our bodies are 50-70% water and most of that water needs to be replaced daily! About 75-80% of our water intake comes from fluids and food provides about 20-25%. Some foods high in water content include watermelon, strawberries, celery and zucchini.

Water helps prevent constipation, cleanses the body, keeps our muscles moving, it’s good for the brain, acts as a natural cough syrup and helps curb overeating.

Are You Drinking Enough Water?  

The daily recommended intake for water is 3.7L per day for men and 2.7L per day for women.  Another good rule of thumb is for children 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight and for adults ½ an ounce of water per pound of body weight. This number needs to be increased during times of activity, in a hot or humid environment or any other time when there is a loss of fluids.

The majority of your fluids should be from plain water. Below are some ways to ensure water is your child’s favourite beverage.

  • Children learn by watching what adults do. Show your kids that water is your drink of choice and they will follow suit.
  • Water bottles. Kids love water bottles. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, with different characters and colours on them. Bring a reusable water bottle with you everywhere you go and pack one for the kids as well – they will be begging to drink out of their “special bottle”.
  • If plain water doesn’t appeal to you or your kids, try adding slices of lemon, lime, oranges or any other fresh fruit you like.

About the Author

Sarah Jenkins

Childhood Nutrition Family Nutrition Holistic Nutrition


Helping families achieve their long term nutrition and lifestyle goals.

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