Back to Basics: Fermentation

October 3, 2017

Let’s talk about fermentation!

Back to Basics: Fermentation

Specifically, lacto-fermentation and it’s incredible, yet often over looked, health benefits.

What is Lacto-fermentation?

Firstly, it is important to note that not all fermentation is lacto-fermentation. Many of the benefits I mention in this post are relevant for other types of fermentation, but we are going to be speaking specifically about lacto-fermentation today. This includes foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, some cheeses, yogurt, pickles and other fermented veggies. The world of fermentation is vast and can be confusing, I’d like to introduce lacto-fermentation as an easy, beginners fermentation method.

Lacto-fermentation is a global tradition which spans time, culture, geography and tradition. It is a simple method of fermentation and preservation which produces delicious foods that are rich in nutrients, friendly flora, enzymes and lacobacilli. These foods are live, unpasteurized and raw. They do not contain vinegar or other preservatives.

Despite the name, lacto-fermentation is not just a process used to ferment dairy, it is also used to ferment non-dairy beverages, vegetables and even fruits. Lacto-fermentation is referred to as such because of the prominent bacteria species Lactobacillus, which is the bacteria present in this fermentation method. Lactobacillus has the ability to convert sugars to lactic acid.

Lactic acid is a natural preservative that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. In addition, lactic acid is a probiotic and potent digestive, which in traditional times was prized for it’s mega-nutritional benefits. Modern medicine is just starting to discover how truly important lactic acid may be for our health.

But lactic acid isn’t the only star of the show…

During the fermentation process, many powerful transformations occur that contribute to the power of fermented foods. Firstly, fermentation is pre-digestion, which reduces the body’s need to produce digestive enzymes and limits the strain put on the pancreas by eating mostly or only cooked foods. This also means that fermented foods are more easily assimilated because they heave been pre-digested by enzymes.

Additionally, because of the nature of raw fermentation, opposed to canning, freezing, or cooking, the enzymes and vitamins present when the foods are raw are not only preserved because of but actually increased by the bacteria present! Meaning that fermented foods are actually more nutrient dense than their raw counter-parts.

It has also been found that fermentation can actually deactivate the enzyme inhibitors found in some foods, which contributes to making nutrients more available.

And the most fascinating aspect is the probiotic nature of fermented foods. These probiotics play a vital role in the health and balance of our gut flora, which in turn has a profound influence on the health of our entire being. The environment of our gut is a delicate balance of 100 trillion bacteria, give or take a few. Modern medicine is just starting to get a grasp on the truly incredible role our gut bacteria plays in our health.

The list of conditions caused or worsened by an unhealthy gut microbiome is staggering. A few of the conditions include; asthma, yeast infections, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, arthritis, heart disease, autism, allergies, obesity, diabetes, candida, and gluten intolerance. The evidence is clear: a lack of healthy gut flora disrupts the immune system and causes our bodies to be in a state of chronic inflammation.

Gut bacteria are hugely responsible for the health and functioning of the immune system. Our gut flora regulates immune response and actually educates the body’s defense, in addition to this it is known that a healthy gastrointestinal tract is crucial to a strong immune system. Probiotics do wonders for our digestive system, and can be incredibly beneficial for any conditions related to poor digestion, such as constipation, skin conditions, candida, bloating etc.

Additional health benefits of probiotic lacto-fermented foods include;

  • Regulation of gastrointestinal tract acidity
  • Contains isothiocyanates (which have been found to fight and even prevent cancer)
  • Fermented foods have been found to be anti-oxidant
  • Assists in digestion of heavy meals (such as meals containing meats or are rich in fats)
  • Skin health (skin issues such as acne and emphysema are directly related to diet and poor digestion)
  • Beneficial to the health of the digestive functions, the colon and the vital organs
  • Major player in mental illness such as depression and anxiety (our gut produces more seratonin than our brain!) Check out the connection between our mental health and our gut health here!

Ready to make your own simple super-food?

Lacto-fermentation is fun, easy, economical – on top of all of the incredible health benefits mentioned above. It will only take a couple batches before you feel confident to experiment with different vegetables, flavour profiles and recipes. I rarely follow specific instructions for lacto-fermenting now that I know how diverse, easy and delicious it can be! It’s best to try out your first batch following a recipe to get a good feel for how the process works.

This is a fantastic beginners recipe for making your first lacto-fermented sauerkraut – it is also a really valuable resources with so much useful information on fermentation! Don’t be intimidated, and enjoy the simplicity of traditional super food goodness!

About the Author

Jordan Smith

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