Benefits of Lemon Water

January 19, 2017

For some, the thought of drinking boring old water all day every day makes them want to vomit. They reach for the artificial flavoring or the carbonated beverages to curb their craving and give them the feeling of refreshment.

What they may not realize is those calories they are consuming on a daily basis add up week by week, month by month and year by year; which can add to the 5-10lb weight gain. These drinks become expensive and are wasted calories.  They can also pull important minerals like calcium and phosphorus from their bones; over time leading to problems like osteoporosis.

The alternative to plain boring water is using lemons to liven it up. It gives it a nice flavor and it is full of added benefits without increases your daily calories and emptying your wallet. Lemons are inexpensive and easily accessible by everyone.

So, next time you want to reach for the can of soda or another cup of coffee, reach for a glass of warm lemon water. It is so simple and the benefits are impossible to ignore.

5 benefits of lemon water:

1. Boosts immune system – Lemons are high in Vitamin C and Potassium. The vitamin C helps fight off colds and potassium works to stimulate brain and nerve function and helps to control Blood Pressure.

2. Balances pH – Lemons are a strong alkaline food. Even though they are acidic on their own, once in your body and metabolized the citric acid does not create acidity. As we all know an Alkaline body is the key to great health.

3. Aids in Weight Loss – Lemons work in a variety of ways to aid in weight loss. They are high in pectin fiber; which suppresses food cravings, they help rid the body of toxins; which cleanses the body and aids in weight loss, and they keep the body alkaline; which has been shown to help people loss weight faster.

4. Helps Digestion – Lemons help to eliminate waste in your body by cleansing and flushing out your bowels. It also relieves indigestion and aids in proper digestion by stimulating the release of gastric juices.

5. Natural Diuretic – Lemons act as a strong natural diuretic by increases the rate of urination. With the extra trips to the bathroom you will not only help clean out your urinary tract and keep it free of infections, you will also rid yourself of water weight which is great for weight loss

A healthy lifestyle requires small changes over time. These small changes become habits and these habits are what catapult us to living a healthy, happy life. I challenge you to drink one glass of warm lemon water every morning for a month. You may be surprised how you feel throughout the day.


  • 1 cup of water – cold or warm
  • Juice of half a lemon

benefits of lemon water

Mix and Enjoy!

Amy Bowers

About the Author

Amy Bowers

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