Fighting Arthritis

April 27, 2017

Tips To Help Fight Arthritis

Mums. We grew inside their womb from an itty bitty cell. They carried us for 9 months nurturing and nourishing our growing being inside of them. They gave up those bad unhealthy habits to ensure we received the best nourishment possible. That unconditional love from the day they knew we existed. They experienced a pain like no other to bring us into this world. They’ve guided us through life’s ups and downs. Helped us become the best we can be. Our friend and our mentor. They will always be there for us no matter what. Now it’s time to be there for mum. Share our wisdom and knowledge that we have gained along the way.

My mum was diagnosed with arthritis a few years back but has always been at a tolerable state. It’s recently progressed to a state that it now wakes her up in tears in the middle of the night. Not only is she in a huge amount of pain but she’s also lacking sleep because of it. It breaks my heart to know she is in pain. She has been back to the doctors and they have sent her away with anti-inflammatory medication. When I phoned her and she told me her current situation, it sparked something inside of me. I got off the phone and went back over my notes from course one. I compiled a list of top inflammatory foods as well as inflammation fighting supplements.

Top Inflammatory foods to avoid

  • Fried Foods – meats cooked at high temperatures like bbq meat.
  • Sugars – read the labels of food items and anything that has sugar, fructose or high fructose corn syrup.
  • Trans-Fatty Acids – Deep fried foods, fast foods and commercial baked goods.
  • Dairy – use nut milks in your coffee as an alternative.
  • Red Meat
  • Processed Meat
  • Alcohol
  • Night shades – white potato (sweet potato is fine), tomatoes, egg plant, capsicum.
  • Refined Grains – white rice, white flour, white bread, noodles, pasta, biscuits and pastry.
  • Synthetic Sweeteners
  • MSG – usually contained in Chinese food. If ordering ask not to have the MSG added.

Top Inflammation fighting supplements

  • Vitamin C
  • Tumeric – Look at getting this in the tablet form as discussed. I find it also goes really well sprinkled on roast veg. Also check out the turmeric latte recipe below!
  • Ginger – try ginger teas (ensure it is organic though)
  • Omega 3 fatty acids – Oils such as flax, olive and avocado. Whenever I have a salad or soup even I add a good squirt of flax oil into it. Also get some good quality fish oil tablets – have a look in the co-op.

She has printed them out and put them up on the fridge. I strongly feel that this change in diet will help her immensely. I haven’t lived back home in Australia for over 10 years so it does become difficult checking in with my family’s health and well being. It was very empowering to be able to help my mum and pass on my knowledge. I am blessed to be able to take this course with Nutraphoria and I can’t wait for all of the beneficial knowledge I’m going to receive. Being able to share this information to better the health of my friends and family is worth every bit of time and energy I put into this course.

Anti-inflammatory Turmeric Latte


  • 1 Cup of unsweetened nut or coconut milk
  • 2 teaspoons of turmeric paste (2 parts turmeric powder and 1 part boiling water)
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger
  • Scant of cayenne (optional)*
  • 1 tablespoon of Matcha Green Tea powder (optional)*
  • Raw honey to taste
  • Pinch of black pepper (optional)*


So I don’t have so many ingredients to pull out, I make up a proportionate mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and chia seeds in a spice jar to have on hand. The turmeric paste can also be premade and kept in the fridge for up to 5 days.


On low heat, gently warm the milk. Add the turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, chia, ginger, Matcha and pepper. Combine all ingredients with a wire whisk. Continue to warm until all ingredients are infused. Be careful not to boil. Remove from heat and add honey to taste. Pour into your favorite cup, take a seat in your ole faithful chair and enjoy.

About the Author

Alena Hand

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