Green Allies Herbal Profile: Nettle

November 16, 2017

Green Allies Herbal Profile: Nettle

NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Green Allies Herbal Profile: Nettle

Name: Stinging Nettle

Latin name: Urtica dioica

Botanical Family: Urticaceae

Parts used; whole plant for different purposes. Medicinally root, seed and leaves are used.

Energetics: salty, cool, dry

Affinity: waterways of the body; lymph, urinary and circulatory systems. Integumentary system; hair, nails, skin and endocrine sytem.

Actions: nutritive, tonic, circulatory stimulant, rubaficent, alterative, mild diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, galactogogue,

Therapeutic uses at a glance: arthritis, anemia, gout, eczema, hay fever, high blood sugar, asthma, kidney/gall stones

Healing properties

  • Brings relief in allergic reactions, asthmatic conditions, rash, hives, hay fever, skin conditions such as eczema and oddly enough even the rash caused by Nettle stings! Combines well with Elderflower in allergic conditions.
  • Nettle’s high mineral content and power to improve iron absorption it a fantastic ally in iron-deficient anemia or general mineral deficiency particularly where lethargy and pallor are present features. Use the fresh juice or infusion on a regular bases.
  • With it’s high iron and Vitamin K content as well as it’s astringency, Nettle is invaluable in conditions with internal bleeding or blood loss such as heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding, and hemorrhage.
  • Nettle’s ability to stop or lessen blood flow has been traditionally utilized in chronic nose bleeds, either by taking the tincture or infusion internally, or actually using the powdered leaf as snuff.
  • Nettle helps to harmonize the endocrine system as a whole, though specifically the adrenals. Use the seeds as an adrenal tonic, and the leaf infusion to nourish and build adrenal strength for those with adrenal burn-out. By nourishing the adrenals nettle assists in boosting mood and energy levels, and allows for a sound sleep.
  • Known to mildly lower blood sugar levels.
  • Hair rinse to treat dry scalp, dandruff, and stimulate hair growth. Use either a decoction of the root or infusion of the leaves.
  • Nettle is seen to nourish liver and kidney yin, dry excess damp conditions and build the blood. Liver and kidney yin depletion can be seen in symptoms like dry skin, brittle nails, hot flashes, dull hair and night sweats.
  • Powerful kidney ally and has a special affinity for the waterways of the body. Enlist nettle to help you with stones and urinary tract infections.
  • When drinking the infusion regularly Nettle can greatly nourish the skin, nails, hair and even help to build strong bones and teeth – can do wonders in osteoporosis!
  • Nettle is a trusted women’s ally; for menstruating women, premenstrual women experiencing PMS, menopausal women, pregnant women, lactating women – you can count on Nettle! It helps replenish women after giving birth with it’s supply of vital minerals. This amazing women’s herb is harmonizing, and mild enough in it’s action that it can be used both to bring on menstruation or to normalize heavy flow. It balances estrogen, so is beneficial at all life stages.
  • Use as a compress, wash, or bath for treatment of sores, wounds, insect stings and bites and all manner of skin conditions.
  • Used to reduce tumours and dissolve kidney and gall stones, because of these actions it is believed that nettle is a wonderful ally in assisting the body in flushing out environmental chemicals and food toxins (such as pesticides, preservatives etc)
  • Drains fluids that have accumulated in the body and dries damp conditions; making it useful in damp congestion such as gout, edema, water retention and bloating.
  • Commonly used for arthritis and rheumatic pains both internally or externally as an ointment or compress for joint pains.
  • Nettle reduces uric acid which is useful in treating gout.
  • Use nettle infusion on a consist basis, to really see an improvement in anemia, allergies, skin conditions etc, befriend nettle for a few months at least.
  • Urtication is a traditional remedy in which fresh Nettles are whacked against areas that are experiencing chronic rheumatism, arthritic pain and loss of muscle power/use.

Healing our spirits

Nettle is a powerful ally for those who are feeling emotionally and spiritually exhausted, weakened and depleted. This green ally can be a true catalyze for change. She creates a strong foundation of clarity and nourishment before moving us into action. Once we are properly nourished, Nettle helps us to see clearly situations that are no longer serving us and empowers us to stand up for our true needs and desires.

Of course, Nettle with her powers of protection, is also a herb which teaches us how to not only create boundaries where we need them, but to respect the boundaries of others as well. Harvesting Nettle bare-handed is a very useful mindfulness practice – Nettle will let you know very quickly if you are not paying proper attention and respect!


  • Nettle is cherished around the world as a nutrient-dense, cleansing and nutritive spring tonic. It is rich in iron, potassium, calcium, vital trace minerals, protein, chlorophyll, a range of amino acids as well as vitamins C, A, K and D.
  • Eat the young shoots and leaves as a wild-local-wild nutritive spinach substitution. There are many nettle recipes available, the most common is using it as a pot-herb, but get creative and use nettle wherever you would use spinach!

About the Author

Jordan Smith

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NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Green Allies Herbal Profile: Nettle

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