Holiday Eating Tips

December 26, 2016

The holidays seem to be a tough time to stay on track for most people, myself included. You always hear people saying “after the holidays, I will start eating healthy; after the holidays, I will start exercising, and so on” Let me tell you, from experience, there is no better time to start than NOW!

I used to always start things on Monday, which seemed reasonable being the start of a new week. If you are planning to make a lifestyle change then everyday should be the same, holidays included! Holidays are more difficult when you are going from house to house enticed by all sorts of delicious foods and dainties but here are some tips to help you stay on track and not overstuff yourself.

Holiday Eating Tips:

  • Start with lighter foods such as veggies or salad, which are high in fiber and promote a feeling of fullness. You may then not have as much room for the heavier, less nutrient dense items.
  • Drink lots of water- water will help you feel full, keep you hydrated and keep your hands and mouth busy holding that glass and sipping.
  • Use a smaller plate – you will eat on average 40% less by using a smaller plate, which could equal a whopping 1200 calories!
  • Have a healthy snack before you go so you aren’t ravenous when you get there.

And my favorite tip, bring your toddler or offer to bring someone else’s and you won’t have time to nibble!


About the Author

Anna Paulich

Nutrition Coach


My name is Anna and I reside in Winnipeg, Manitoba with my husband and two young kids. I have always had an obsession with nutrition...

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