February 26, 2019
How I Choose To Hydrate
Our bodies are more than 60% of water. Much like the earth and single cells; an interesting pattern one might say.
While it is very important to choose nutritious, wholesome foods to put into our bodies for fuel it is also extremely important to think about the water we are putting into our bodies as well. This can include the water we drink, and the water we bathe in.
Our bodies need water in almost every bodily function from delivering nutrients, temperature regulation, and circulation to list a couple.
Quality water sources are few and far between on this earth because of things like pollution, natural disaster, and diversion.
Water supply (and quality water supply) vary from place to place on this Earth. Nonetheless, every human needs water and ultimately, I would assume one would drink whatever they have access to.
I recently took a lot of interest in looking at my water supply having moved to a home with the main water supply being a well. Also, in my nutrition studies, I’ve learned about the importance of hydration and the healing properties of the simple element of water.
We tested our water to see if it was safe for consumption and it most definitely was. I would argue that it’s probably better ‘quality’ than municipal tap water that goes through treatment plants and has chemicals added to ‘purify’ the water. I notice when I taste municipal water now, I can taste chlorine and even smell it.
I wanted to take it one step further and ensure I’m giving my body superior hydration. I invested in a water ionizer. This particular machine produces Kangen water. The particular machine that I have works by electronically reducing the water into smaller molecules (one hydroxyl(-) = 1 oxygen, 1 hydrogen atom and one hydrogen atom (+)) that allow for rapid absorption into the bloodstream.
The hydroxyl molecule is a free radical scavenger meaning it works as an antioxidant. The free radicals in our bodies contribute to ageing as well as disease and personally, I would like to rid of as many of these as possible in any healthy way that I can.
The water is also alkalized through this process of electrolysis. It changes the pH to a more alkaline state(ranging from 8.5-9.5)The human body has a pH of 7.36 but our bodies can often become acidic due to things like stress, too many refined sugars, processed foods, chemicals, environmental toxins, etc). Many diseases thrive in acidic environments.
Our bodies will function optimally in a state of homeostasis (balance), Ingesting foods and drinking water that are more alkaline can help achieve this balance.

I feel confident that I’m giving my body quality water and hydrating as best as I can. I will keep free radicals at bay and allow my body to perform it’s best by increasing immunity & energy, improving digestion, and much more!
Ultimately what matters is that our bodies are hydrated, so do not forget to drink your 8-10 glasses per day. If you can, invest in your health and source out quality water for yourself and home.