September 29, 2017
Habits are a complicated part of life. Good ones are hard to keep, and bad ones are seemingly impossible to break. We do our best to succeed but why is that when we try making important changes we often end in failure?
Making New Habits Stick
There are many reasons why we fail at starting healthy habits but there are also plenty ways to succeed!
Make yourself accountable
This one is simple. Your life is governed by the choices you make and no one has more power over yourself than you. Put yourself first and remind yourself why it is that you want to make changes.
Write it down
When we write a goal down it subconsciously becomes more important. There is a permanence when something is written versus a thought or idea. Having it posted where you can see it and see it often forces you to act more proactively.
Tell someone
Having a good friend on your side is always a plus and it may be a change that they want to make as well. This allows you to have accountability as well as support through a possibly hard time. Having an open line of communication with a loved one may help to work through the rough patches as well as open the door to new ways of thinking and learning.
Make your goal achievable
This may sound obvious but too many times we want to drastic and unrealistic changes. It may seem tempting to aim for large goals but breaking large goals into to obtainable ones is a great way to stay motivated, on track and positive.
Changes and new habits are difficult but they open the door to great opportunities in life.