How to Rid Yourself of the Winter Blues

February 5, 2017

Every year during the winter months thousands of people suffer from the blues .

Did you know there are ways to decrease or eliminate those feelings of fatigue or sadness?

Today i would like to share with you ways to increase your energy and feel better throughout these cold winter months .

One quick and easy way is to make sure you get outside during daylight hours for at least thirty minutes a day. Even if its cold bundle up go for a walk with your loved ones or alone it help you in so many ways , not only mentally but physically also. You can also go for a walk while you are on lunch at work. Sunshine brings us happiness , a feeling of calmness inside. If you find this impossible to accomplish there are sun lamps you can buy that are not too expensive and will help give you the light you need to  feel better. This is especially important for those that suffer from SAD ( seasons affective disorder).

Another very important thing to do is take vitamin D supplements during the winter months because anyone who lives in Canada lacks sun during the winter months and vit D will give us the supply we lack from lack of sun in the winter.

Another supplement that can be helpful during the winter and throughout the year is a vit B complex . It can help us feel more relaxed and less stressed .

Most importantly when you wake up in the morning be grateful for another day, fake a smile if you have to while you lie in bed say thank you to the GOD or the universe (whichever you prefer!) for all that you have.

I promise you gratitude will get you everywhere!!!




About the Author

Margaret Quinsey

Consulting Family Style Clean Eating on a Budget Holistic Nutrition Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit


Hello, my name is Margaret Quinsey. I am an RN from Montreal Quebec with 26 years experience. I’ve worked in a busy Montreal ER for...

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