Stressed Out? Try a Little Self-Care

October 19, 2017

Stressed Out? Try a Little Self-Care

Stress! Why does this six-letter word have such an impact on us physically and mentally? Stress is our body’s natural response to danger, it is the fight or flight mechanisms that we all have to either prepare us for battle or flee from danger. Years ago this did exactly as it was meant to do; our stress was minimal and useful when needed. Today stress is constantly around us. We live in a world where stress is either placed on us by work, family and lifestyle, or we place it on ourselves (which happens much more often than we think). We need to realize though that stress is not the situation or incidents themselves, but rather, real stress comes from the way we react to these events or experiences. Stress is a natural part of today’s busy lifestyle—but it doesn’t have to control our life.

When you feel stress creeping into your life, there are steps you can take to find your peace, so you don’t burn out. We want our self-care to leave us rejuvenated and ready to take on our day, not feeling more exhausted. Healthy self-care when we most need it takes time and practice, and it will get easier to give to yourself the more you do it. It shouldn’t be boring or uninteresting to you, but something that will make you feel amazing and glad you took this time for yourself. And who doesn’t need that?

Here are a few self-care tips and ideas for you to think about. Take the time to try something that will work for you:

Make time for SELF-CARE and let others know it

Make time to do the things that nourish you the most by putting them into your calendar (even 5 minutes can be enough to boost your mental health!) This could be as simple as having some quiet time for yourself… as much as we love our family, it’s important to take this time for just you.  Maybe having a bath, enjoying a comforting cup of tea, reading something you like, listening to a podcast, or just sitting in silence. AHHH!

Let others know that you need some time for you. It isn’t being selfish; it allows you to take a few minutes to renew yourself and come back more refreshed. Then when you return you may have more focus to give to family or work. And who knows, others in your life may need this too, but didn’t know how to try it. You may give them the motivation to try self-care as well!

Just Breathe!

Think about your breath…it is your life—literally. It keeps you alive! When we’re stressed or anxious, we hold our breath or breathe in short, shallow bursts. Breathing deeply when you find yourself feeling stressed is so beneficial.  Next time, stop what you’re doing and breathe deeply—in through your nose, and out through your mouth—for as long as you need to. This will slow your heart rate, get rid of the noise in your head and help you to find the clarity you need to deal with what was bothering you.

Finding your own SELF-CARE to reduce stress

 Make sure you find what is best for you because there aren’t “one size fits all” solutions.  Try a few to see which fit best with you.

  • Have more fun – do things that you enjoy and help you to relax
  • Learn a relaxation method, like directed meditation, or maybe just sit in silence
  • Take a hot bath
  • Exercise – movement helps to get rid of stress. Try yoga, Pilates or going for a walk in nature
  • Listen to music or a podcast
  • A favorite hobby like knitting, baking or whatever takes you to your happy place
  • Unplug from the computer and social media
  • Writing or journaling to express your feelings and emotions
  • Take a nap – make sure you are getting a good night’s sleep, but if not, have a quick nap
  • Eat dark chocolate (OK, this is my personal self-care!) Dark chocolate is full of minerals and antioxidants and has beneficial benefits to controlling many diseases

Good food feeds the body and soul

Self-care is really a process for the mind, emotions and our soul, but it is also important to make sure you are eating and drinking good quality foods and herbs to help support the mental processes as well. There are many foods found directly in nature that can nourish and relax us from the inside out.

Try to include wholesome, natural foods in your diet, such as:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans and lentils
  • Healthy fats like grass fed meats, grass fed butter, avocados, and coconut oil
  • Drink lots of water to keep you hydrated and your digestive tract moving.
  • Try herbal teas such as chamomile, licorice root, or peppermint. Some tea companies even make a blend called Relax or De-Stress teas that help to calm you.

When we take care of ourselves, we feel better physically and mentally and we are more prepared to take on what life has in store for us. Stress doesn’t have to be a necessity, it’s an option. By proactively taking care of yourself, you can choose to take control of your health and wellbeing, and kick stress to the curb!

Take Care,


About the Author

Lorraine Crowe

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Currently enrolled in CHNC program Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Holistic Nutrition Coach

I enrolled at Nurtraphoria to become more educated in nutrition, not only to help take care of myself, but my family as well.  With aging...

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