Sweet Like Sugar

July 1, 2017

Sweet Like Sugar

I’ve started my journey into the health coach profession, which will seem odd after you hear this confession…

I’m ADDICTED to sugar!

Now some might lose confidence in hearing that, but for others they will know I understand their struggle, have been there and can help them beat it!

I’ve learned a lot already and today I get to share a few tidbits of why…

SUGAR isn’t so SWEET!

There is so much information on sugar: it’s not just a sweetener we use in baking; it’s a part of so many foods, not to mention it’s part of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are broken down into three sections – Simple, Complex & Fiber. Under the simple category we have Refined sugars – these include white flour/rice and highly processed foods that have no nutrients or fiber and are broken down quickly causing insulin spikes. The body increases your insulin levels to balance the rise in blood sugar, If this happens often, our insulin resistance increases.

The next time we need insulin to balance our blood sugar levels, the regular amount isn’t enough and our body has to work harder to produce more insulin to balance the blood.  To help counteract these spikes, it’s good to eat foods that contain fiber. High fiber foods take longer for our body to digest, slowly releasing the sugar into the system versus a quick release. Whole grains are a better option then their white alternative as they have more nutrients but they can still cause a spike.  Safest bet are vegetables and fruits.

We’ve all heard the saying “You are what you eat”

Sugar is a nutrient – depleting substance, devoid of its own nutrients. When we consume lots of sugary foods or crave and eat refined sugar products, it strips us from the nutrients we do eat.

Now it should be…“We are what we digest.”

Not to make things even more complicated but even if we have a nutrient packed meal, chances are our body won’t be absorbing all those nutrients. This was a big eye opener for me, especially considering I am living a healthier lifestyle. To find out what I’m eating might still not be giving me enough nutrients and sugar is a factor in that!

I had to ask … WHY WORLD!!!!

Obviously cutting back on our sugar intake will help us absorb more of the nutrients we eat. If your diet is rich in sugary and refined foods it’s also good to get your vitamins/minerals tested. Supplementation not only will replace any depleted nutrients but supplementing B vitamins, Vitamin C, and other minerals may actually help balance out fluctuating blood sugar and reduce food cravings, especially sweets.

Who here has had cravings??

I’m going to assume most of us have had cravings before, those pesky itches only food can satisfy. Some people say they feel compelled to eat fatty, sweet foods, similar in some ways to how an alcoholic might feel compelled to drink. Question is, why do we crave food? Answer lies in the brain.

Fatty, sugary foods release chemicals called opioids into the bloodstream. Opioids bind to receptors in the reward center of the brain and in turn give you feelings of pleasure.  For sugar and sweet tasting food especially, our brain is stimulated into activating beta endorphin receptors, the very same chemicals activated by the use of morphine or heroin. For this matter, going off sugar cold turkey can have a dramatic effect on your mood as it is going through withdrawal. For this reason I suggest slowly cutting back on refined sugars and finding healthier alternatives for meals/snacks.

I’ve always had a sweet tooth. My favorite sweet was Candy. Could not get enough! With this transition in my life, I’ve started pulling away from the processed, chemically enhanced candy I ached for to a more natural sugar dessert, keeping the ingredients as whole as possible. I still get cravings every so often for the sweets, but now I’m able to walk through candy aisle instead of running past to avoid any contact.

When we define a person as sweet, they are well mannered, gentle and friendly. Sugar doesn’t follow those descriptions very well.

  • Sugar is NOT well mannered when it’s spiking our insulin levels
  • Sugar is NOT gentle when it steals and destroys the nutrients we ingested.
  • Sugar is NOT friendly when it starts plays mind games, leaving us craving more.

So while I still have some work to do beating this addiction, these important factors make me think twice about grabbing that candy bar in the stores.

About the Author

Jessica Rank

Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Plant based nutrition


Hello, my name is Jessica. I would consider myself an average person growing up when it came to health and well-being. I was a very...

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