“Use It On Everything” Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

October 3, 2017

I can truly say one of the best gifts that my mother ever gave me was teaching me to cook. I have the ability to look into a cluttered fridge and create something out of individual ingredients. That is how this recipe happened!

This sauce is great because it can be used on anything. You can enjoy it on a salad, pasta, use it as a dipping sauce or on sandwiches. Loaded with vitamin C & A from the peppers and iron & magnesium from the cashews, you’ll want to put this guilt free, preservative free, delicious sauce on everything, I promise!

Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Your beautiful self will need

  • ½ cup cashews, soaked overnight
  • ¼ cup water
  • 3 Tbsp oil, plus extra for roasting
  • 3 Tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 4 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ½ tsp cracked black pepper
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, left with “paper” on
  • 1 red bell pepper


  • Heat oven to 400C
  • With a small amount of oil, rub pepper and garlic. Place on baking sheet and roast for 20 minutes. You will have to watch the garlic and may need to flip it. Once roasted looking, pull out the garlic and cool
  • Flip pepper over and continue roasting for another 20 minutes. The pepper will be slightly collapsed and charred. Cut open and cool (there will be a small amount of water inside, be careful not to burn yourself)
  • Using the side of the knife, push down firmly on the cloves. Peel off the “paper”. Clean out the pepper and cut into quarters
  • Place all ingredients into a food processor or high powered blender. Scraping down sides as needed. Blend until smooth

Notes: If you forgot to soak the cashews (like I frequently do), place them in a pot of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drain away the water and voila!

This recipes makes about 2 cups of sauce and will last refrigerated for a week.

About the Author

Alisha Hamel

Holistic Nutrition Coach Plant based nutrition

When I was a kid my big dream job was to open a bridal bouquet, and now in my early 20’s I want to be...

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