Most of my life I was very healthy (or so I thought). I ate the Standard American diet and played in the dirt like most children did. It wasn’t until my 20’s that I got passionate about Holistic Health and Wellness. After having my first daughter and suffering from postpartum depression was when health really become a big part of my life. Suddenly I had this beautiful child to take care of and I was suffering from mental and nutritional deficiencies. I started asking myself questions that I had not asked before.
Is this food really healthy for her? Can nutrition play a role in helping me through postpartum depression? What chemicals are in our food and how do they affect her little body? What can I do to make sure that we are both getting everything we need to thrive? They went on and on.
This road was one worth taking. Studying Holistic Nutrition has shown me just how important nutrition is. Not just for building our bodies but for our personalities, our religion, community, family and even our emotions. The food we eat is not only what builds us, but it adds so much more value: mentally, emotionally as well as physically. Many years and 3 kids later this passion has only grown. Not only are my children growing and thriving, but I too was able to heal my body. It is a beautiful thing when your food can give you life, vibrant life.

Alisha Fanning
Posts by Alisha Fanning
Give Your Body The Water It Deserves!
“Water is The Driving Force of All Nature.” This quote from Leonardo Da Vinci is one that I honor to be a fundamental truth. It...
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