Ana María Sáenz

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Health and Wellness Coach Holistic Health Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Vegan Bogotá

Hi! My name is Ana María Sáenz. I’m mother of two beautiful girls and a passionate about nutrition and meditation its relationship with health and well-being. A few years ago I was diagnosed with multinodular thyroid, so that I decided to make big changes in my life, to take a plant-based diet, exercise more than usual and start meditating which led me to walk a new path, and since then I have been completely healthy. I discovered the power of food, and exercise to keep us healthy, and learned about the relationship of our mind, emotions and food with our body.

I want to follow this journey of learning and improvement, to continue helping people regain their health, encourage them to empower about their self-care by finding their own emotional and physical balance, to feel better about themselves.

“You have the power to achieve your dreams” Tae Yun Kim
I’m here to help you, how far do you want to go? Contact me!



Posts by Ana María Sáenz

10 Keys to Healthy Eating Nutraphoria

10 Keys to Healthy Eating… And 5 Quick Tips

Healthy eating is a topic that has been increasing in recent times. Now we have organic markets, health coaches, fast food restaurants with healthy options,...

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My Raw Vegan Cheese

Ever since I started to make my own almond milk, I kept the leftover pulp of the milk that wasn’t used for varies kinds of recipes. With...

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Oh My Oat!

The Benefits Of Oats! I love oatmeal, but it hasn’t always been like this. Over time my palate has changed and has led me to...

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Do You Feed Yourself Lovingly?

Deciding to make a change of habits to improve our food starts with a look at ourselves and our relationship with food. Many times we...

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Education for a Healthy Future

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