Ariana Navarro

Holistic Nutrition Port of Spain

Hi there! I’m Ariana, a 28 year old pre-school teacher from Trinidad. I’ve been teaching for about 10 years now but was never really passionate about it. I found myself dreading going to work more and more each day till the point where I decided it was time to make a change. As I had an interest in health I thought why not look into nutrition?! That’s when I stumbled upon Nutraphoria! I am happy to finally be able to call myself a Certified Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach. My plan is to continue my studies with Tier 2 after a much needed Christmas break.  Not sure where this path is gonna lead me but I sure am excited to find out!

Posts by Ariana Navarro

Sunscreen, good or bad?

Sunscreen, good or bad?

Okay, so we all know how important it is to get our daily sun, or as some like to call it, our daily dose of...

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