I have always been interested in nutrition and health but lacked the time to really dig deep into the subject. With a busy full-time job in the corporate world and 4 babies in a time span of 5 years, life seemed to be passing by!
In 2014 all of this changed, when my husband got a job on a tiny island in the Caribbean and we moved from Europe to this small tropical paradise. There is a limited supply of (healthy) food on the island and an island culture of unhealthy eating habits, large amounts of sugary drinks, cakes and candy. I wanted to offer my kids a healthy alternative to the hotdogs, pizzas and cupcakes they were exposed to in their school and on the playground, so I started searching the Web for healthy home baked goods and started experimenting in the kitchen.
As time passed on some close relatives were diagnosed with chronic diseases and I wanted to find out more about the causes of these diseases and ways to reduce the risk of getting these diseases. I also realized that I did not want to go back to the corporate world, where I spend 85% of my time sitting behind my desk staring at a computer screen. In the past 10 years I slowly gained a little bit of weight with each passing year and I decided to take action! That’s why I started the ‘Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach’ program at NutraPhoria, initially to help myself and my family to a healthier lifestyle and to help other families do the same in the near future!