Jesse Smith

Consulting Newmarket

Hello wellness enthusiast

As far back as I can remember I always enjoyed chatting with others about health and wellness.  One of my happy places is outdoors, foraging for wild edible foods, medicinal herbs, and mushrooms.  I am currently enrolled in the Holistic Nutrition Coach certification program.  Lots is happening as I am in the initial process of putting together my plans for wellness coaching in an official way.  I am looking forward to sharing my old and new discoveries as I go along this magnificent and amazing journey to wellness.

Posts by Jesse Smith

The Ultimate Nut Bar

The Ultimate Nut bar Ingredients Almond Shortbread Crust ½ cup coconut oil, softened. ½ cup powdered sugar, sifted 1 cup all-purpose flour ¾ cup almond...

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Drinking Water Nutraphoria

What’s That In My Drinking Water?

The importance of water to human health cannot be overstated – our bodies are composed of approximately 60% water, the brain and heart are 73%...

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