Hi there! I’m Sarah from Barrie, Ontario. I’ve always had an interest in a healthy and nutritious lifestyle overall, but after a health diagnosis and battling chronic pain over the years, it led me down the road to becoming a Registered Massage Therapist with a dedication and love for helping people. The nutrition side really ignited a year ago when my sweet baby Ragdoll cat, Molly, out of the blue got really ill. After multiple emergency vet visits, she was diagnosed with IBD (irritable bowel disease), which I was unaware could happen in animals the same as in people; becoming prevalent in today’s world. After time, patience, and a lot of emotions, she made a full recovery and is doing and looking better than she ever has at almost 13 years of age(!) just from a complete change in her diet. Going through that led me to realize just how much of a roll and impact nutrition truly plays in our lives. It sparked such an interest and passion to learn more and be able to combine the two – massage to help aid healing from an external and nutrition to help aid healing from an internal!

Sarah Middendorf
Posts by Sarah Middendorf
Easy Nutritious Dark Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies
This easy recipe makes for a quick, yummy, nutritious snack! Easy Nutritious Dark Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies Ingredients 3 ripe bananas 1/3 cup unsweetened...
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