Senait Fresh

Holistic Nutrition Coach Holistic Nutritionist Nutrition, Healing Silver Spring

My name is Senait. I am a dental assistant, a wife , a mother of three, and my passion is to help people in need. My interest in nutrition began when my sister and mother were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. My life changed completely, and my attention went to reading books, researching blogs, watching educational videos to find the answers to how the body’s health functions as a whole. I was obsessed and dedicated my life to helping my family get through these hard times.
Getting up at 4AM in the morning before going to work, planning their diet, prepping meals and supplements, and working with their doctors for alternatives to chemo were some of the many responsibilities I took over, and have found them to be major key factors to their survival today.
I believe in God we can do anything by him through him for him to benefit us.I believe we are made of dust, spirit, and soul. With his wisdom and direction, and by doing the right thing on our part, we are able to accomplish the journey. I believe solving the problem from the root is the best option because everything good or bad has a beginning and an end if we deal with the root. From this perspective I can see how our body’s diet and nutrition plays a root position in our health and is a key factor in the quality of our lives.

Posts by Senait Fresh

Heart Disease Nutraphoria

Heart Disease

Heart Disease Heart Disease is a broad condition that includes several heart conditions and includes:  Congestive Heart Failure: Occurs when the heart isn’t pumping enough...

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Benefits of Avocado, Banana, Milk Smoothy Nutraphoria

Benefits of Avocado, Banana, Milk Smoothie

Avocado is a monounsaturated fat rich in Vitamins A, D, E, and K. It can be eaten and also used topically on your hair as...

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Antioxidant Breakfast

Antioxidant Breakfast It’s a nutrient packed and delicious breakfast! Ingredients Egg Sweet Potato Green Apple Spinach *Optional* Directions Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix...

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Carrot Coconut Juice

Carrots are nutrient rich power house vegetables with vitamins A,B,C,K, potassium & magnesium which makes it a super food for me. I also like to...

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