Shari is a wife and mother of 3 beautiful children. Her passion for health and wellness began 9 years ago, as an early childhood educator, when she decided to try a daily probiotic to help ward off the constant colds and viruses she was catching at the daycare. To her surprise, she saw a quick and significant improvement in her body’s ability to fight off germs. She began to wonder what else she could be doing to improve her overall health. This led her on a journey of holistic wellness discovery, which put her on the path to where she is today. Shari is currently studying Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coaching, with a specialty in Childhood Nutrition. Her areas of expertise also include the mind body connection, meditation and spiritual wellness. She, along with her husband, are raising their children holistically, with whole food, natural remedies and green living choices. One of her main goals is to educate children on the importance of eating healthy so that they can grow and develop optimally. She looks forward to sharing her passion for clean living with you and to helping you meet your individuals goals.

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My Love For Coconut Oil
My Love For Coconut Oil It’s true, I have a love for coconut oil. Those who know me, know that I use coconut oil for...
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