Tara Lee

Autoimmune Disease Currently enrolled in CHNC program Detoxification Digestion, Hormonal Balance, Weight loss Food as Medicine Nutritional Supplements Whitehorse

I have always been interested in natural health and foods, and have done a lot of research and reading on the topic over the past 15 years. I always suspected the health problems I was experiencing, such as eczema, food intolerances, candida, leaky gut, small intestinal bacteria overgrowth, PCOS, and anxiety, were diet related.

About 6 years ago I got a lot more serious about getting my health under control and cut out gluten, dairy products and most grains and processed foods. I adopted a paleo style diet and significantly cut down on my carbohydrate intake. I learned about and experimented with various supplements that also helped me on my healing journey, and my health has improved significantly over the years.

I hope I can inspire and help others out there that are having the same struggles as I am or just want to clean up their diet and feel healthier.

Posts by Tara Lee

Tips For A Better Nights Sleep Nutraphoria

Tips For A Better Nights Sleep

There are many reasons that we might not be getting a great sleep, but sleep is so crucial to our overall health and wellness and...

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Healthy Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins Nutraphoria

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free and Sugar-Free Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins

Whether you are on a candida or sugar-free diet, trying to balance your blood sugar or lower inflammation by cutting out the top inflammatory foods,...

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Tigernut Milk Nutraphoria

Tigernut Milk Recipe (Paleo, AIP)

Many people are either allergic to or intolerant to milk. Other people avoid it for ethical reasons or to help balance their hormones. This leaves...

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