NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Kalyani KL

Kalyani KL

Holistic Nutrition Bangalore

I believe Food can be both a medicine and a disease, and thus seeking to find the right balance in food to strike the same within. My endeavour is to share my experience and knowledge to the society which can help build a qualitative one.

Posts by Kalyani KL

NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Proteinicious Dosa

Proteinicious Dosa

Proteinicious Dosa Ingredients Bajra – 200 gms Red lentils – 100 gms Whole black gram – 50 gms Whole green gram – 100 gms Whole...

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Anti-pyretic Home Remedy Nutraphoria

Anti-pyretic Home Remedy

Fever is a common symptom of any gesture of body fighting something inside. Usually, fever phobia is so much that we inevitably pop in an...

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Diet for Dandruff Nutraphoria

Do Away with Dandruff with Diet

Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that can be embarrassing, causing flakes of skin to appear in the hair and fall onto clothes. Dandruff...

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