Back to Basics

February 5, 2017

Most of the time when we start a new journey in life we are full of excitement and energy. This explosive start is amazing when we first begin. Unfortunately we usually run out of energy or get confused before real change can begin to take place.

As a personal trainer, and from personal experience; there is so much information everywhere we look on how to be healthy that it becomes hard to find a plan and stick to it long enough to see results. Many times we let a bad day (or couple of days) make us rethink our strategies which most likely sets us up for failure.

In the past every time I research a new theory, I wonder to myself if this would be the one I can share with my clients to make them see lasting results that they can stick to. I know that every time you see an infomercial a little part of you wonders the same.

What I have begun to realize though is that every theory and diet out there that is claiming to revolutionize our health, is really just different formations of the same basics.

That’s right folks, there is no trick or secret or super fast results that will last forever. Just the basics of a healthy lifestyle and consistency. The truth is that everyone has birthday parties, and everyone goes out to eat sometimes. But one meal doesn’t define you or your results, what you consistently do over and over are the habits that will get you where you want to be.

When we keep it simple and return to the basics we can truly find success.

The following are things we’ve been told since grade school and apply to every “diet” I’ve ever read:

Decrease: calories, fats, saturated fats, cholesterol, red meats, dairy foods, refined sugar, refined flour, salt, processed foods, soda pop, and ice cream.

Increase: fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, sprouts, water, exercise, complex carbohydrates, fiber, whole grains, legumes, vegetable oils, and love.

Beyond the basics there are 10 main components to engrain in our lifestyle. Again, the following principles are things we have been told for as long as we can remember, and yet we let life get in the way and forget that we have the tools laid out right in front of us.

#1 eat natural foods; the closer our foods are to nature, the more energy, vitality, and nutrients we will gain from them.

#2 eat seasonal foods; such as, in summer fruits and fruit juices help to cool the body, i winter, when it is cold and wet our foods require more cooking.

#3 eat fresh foods; enough said!!

#4 eat nutritious foods; eating to acquire all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and phytonutrients that the body needs to function optimally and to protect health.

#5 eat clean foods; not only chemical free and avoiding additives, but also washing and storing foods properly to avoid contamination.

#6 eat tasty and appealing foods; lets face it no one wants to eat a diet that doesn’t satisfy you and if they do they definitely wont be sticking with it for the long haul!

#7 eat a variety of foods and rotate your foods; not only will this prevent deficiencies, but prevent a potential to become allergic or sensitive to particular foods.

#8 food combining; especially for people with digestive sensitivities, eating the right combinations of foods allows us to digest and utilize the foods and their nutrients optimally.

#9 and #10 balance and moderation; as with everything we do in life moderation and balance is key. Excess in anything usually leads to demise!

As you can see, there really is no secret trick. You need to focus on the basics and adapt these principles to a lifestyle you can live with and love. There will always be a new fad or new research, but if you look carefully I’m sure you will see these same principles repeated over and over again.

Stay strong and consistent in your path and you will see results!

About the Author

anita curley nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Anita Jo Curley

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Currently enrolled in CHNC program Holistic Nutrition Coach

As a Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified strength and conditioning specialist, and now a personal trainer, I have so many clients that despite doing everything “right” still struggle to find...

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