5 Things Not to do When Going Through PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

December 3, 2016

5 Things Not to do When Going Through PMS


This is not only for all the women out there but for the men as well. A man can use these tips to help the woman in his life make it through the tough time of the month….and he will definitely gain brownie points! 😉

Do not eat cheese or salty foods

Although cheese is delicious, great for a snack and a great additive for many dishes, cheese can cause some gastrointestinal irritation especially when your body is out of whack from the surge of hormones being released. It is common for cheese to well, let’s put it in simple terms…back you up. I speak from experience! It is not fun. It adds to the already bloating effect of PMS.

Chips and other salty foods will also increase the bloating effect of PMS. You certainly would not want to go bikini shopping!

Instead go for lean snacks such as a veggie plate or fruits which have a lot of fiber. It will help reduce bloating and will give you the extra nutrients you need during this delicate time of the month.

Do not eat fast food

 At the time of the month, we seek ‘comfort food’. Eating fast food may feel like a luxury during the time of the month as it is convenient and is usually considered ‘comfort food’ for many. But in reality, it will not make you feel comfortable at all! Your insides will let you know almost immediately after consumption. It feels good in the moment but we need to refrain from falling for the ‘immediate gratification’ devil on our shoulders. Fast food, or any kind of processed, sugar and salty foods, will cause more upset in your stomach than before consumption.

Instead try eating a quick lean meal such as a baked chicken breast lightly seasoned, with a garden salad or a side of your favourite veggies. Finish off the meal with a lemon ginger tea. Your stomach will thank you later.

Do not become a couch potato

The couch will be calling your name at the onset of PMS. Although it’s probably the last thing on your mind when you are bloated and have cramps, exercise will not only alleviate those symptoms, it will give you an energy boost and increase your serotonin levels. Even a brisk walk could do the trick. Just being in the fresh air will cleanse your mind, body and soul. It is important to maintain regular exercise. We just need to peel ourselves off the couch and know that in the end, the effort is all so worth it.

Do not drink alcohol

When we’re feeling down and blue, it may be tempting to reach out for a drink to suppress the bad feelings that the surge of hormones may bring. In the moment it may feel good to drink that glass of wine or beer but we may not realize that it actually intensifies the symptoms. Alcohol is a depressant and will only bring you down when you’re already there.

Instead, drink water or make a smoothie with your favourite veggies and/or fruit. A kale shake is my favourite during the time of the month. It replenishes lost nutrients and cleanses your insides. You will feel lighter and more satisfied.

Do not watch sad movies

Women’s hormones are all over the place during PMS. We are on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Last thing you need when you’re going through PMS is to gaslight yourself by watching a sad movie. The tears will fall! We’re best to stick to uplifting movies or movies that inspire us or make us laugh. Along with a good wholesome diet during PMS, it’s amazing how a ‘feel good’ movie will lift you up and alleviate your symptoms.


About the Author

Monique Desnoyers

Holistic Health and Wellness Holistic Health Coach Nutrition Coach Weight Loss


  I have transitioned into a new career in Nutrition and Wellness. After volunteering with children in Thailand a few years back, it changed my...

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