How to Energize Your Morning and Set Yourself Up for A Successful Day!

July 28, 2017

Energize Your Morning

The morning is a magical part of the day. It is a time when we can reflect on being alive and have a chance to start new. But for many of us, our brains are too foggy and tired to think progressively. We get up and move on auto pilot because we have no energy to take charge and seize the day. In this blog, I will guide you on how to energize your tired mornings and how to set yourself up for a successful day.

As humans, we have the ability to create and manifest our lives. Sometimes we may get lost in the craziness of it all and forget to slow down and smell the roses so to speak. It’s during the still moments that can tap into the true powers we have to create the lives we want. We can choose to just float along in life or we can get in the driver seat. We need to make time for the quiet moments where we can imprint our desires into the universe.


I love to meditate upon awakening where our minds are in between sleep and consciousness and susceptible. Take just 5 minutes to sit up in bed or go to a Zen spot in your home, close your eyes and just breathe. Take deep breaths through your nose and exhale from your mouth slowly. Do this over and over and simply concentrate on your breath. Feel the stillness of being.  After 5 minutes of breathing, now is a good time to set your intentions for the day. Perhaps site a mantra or simply think about what you want to accomplish in this day. “Morning mantras are an extremely important ritual because they set the tone for the day, in whichever direction you’d like to guide it,” says Pax Tandon, Positive Psychology Expert, Wellness Coach. It can be as simple as “today I am healthy and successful.”

Gratitude Journal

After a quick meditation to clear your mind, grab a pen and note pad and write down all that you are grateful for in that moment. It could be anything from the feeling of the silk sheets on your skin, to the smell of your coffee that just finished brewing or to the amazing day that you are about to experience. I suggest keeping a gratitude journal by your bed or where you meditate. When you think about all the good things in your life, it puts you on a positive vibration which you can carry on throughout the day. If you want good things to happen in your day, the first step is to be thankful for what you already have and for whom you already are.

Get Active

Once you are done writing in your gratitude journal, drink a large glass of filtered water. Now is a good time to stretch, do yoga or go for a run. A morning workout out is a great way to set the precedent for your metabolism. A workout is invigorating, it gets your blood pumping and it’s a sure way to wake up and feel alive.

Have Breakfast

Now it’s time to eat! I would start with a fresh piece of organic fruit. Fresh fruit is jam packed with fiber and other nutrients. And of course the yummy flavours will wake up your pallet. Organic Oatmeal with a touch of honey would be a good dish to follow as it is whole grain and good source of carbohydrates for energy. Add a couple of eggs on the side for high quality protein which will further fuel your body with energy.  A nice yogurt smoothie to go will provide you with calcium, fiber and more nutrients and is great to sip on while you ride the subway to work.

Finish off your morning with an invigorating shower to further wake you up and energize you. Go ahead and sing in the shower; there is nothing more therapeutic!

By taking time for yourself in the morning and setting your intentions for the day, you will notice you’re more centered, focused and happy. All you need is an extra half hour to 40 minutes in the morning and I promise you will feel more empowered, full and alive. You will have the energy to take on the day and watch your day manifest as you intended.

Remember, you’re in the driver seat. Go seize the day!

About the Author

Monique Desnoyers

Holistic Health and Wellness Holistic Health Coach Nutrition Coach Weight Loss


  I have transitioned into a new career in Nutrition and Wellness. After volunteering with children in Thailand a few years back, it changed my...

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