Nutritional Yeast – A True Powerhouse

June 21, 2013

nutritional yeast in a bowl

Every kitchen should have nutritional yeast in the cupboard, and if you haven’t heard of it, not to worry; it is easy to find, and I am going to tell you why you want to run out and grab yourself a bag.

Nutritional yeast is a valuable food supplement that can be used not only as a nutritional aid, but as a flavor enhancer as well.

Nutritional yeast grows on molasses and cane sugar.   After being harvested it is washed, pasteurized and then dried into flakes that look a little like fish food.

The subtle salty/cheesy flavor makes it popular among vegans and vegetarians as a cheese substitute.   It can be added to pizza, eggs, casseroles, soups, popcorn (one of my faves), pasta, or sprinkle it on your veggies.  If you have kids, it is a sneaky way to get extra nutrients into their food without them noticing (think mac & cheese).  The best part is, it is pretty darn tasty!

A Little Goes A Long Way

You want to brace yourself here, one ounce of nutritional yeast contains:

  • 14 grams of protein

Not only is it a decent source of protein, but it contains all eight essential amino acids, making it a ‘complete’ protein. Protein is essential for the maintenance and growth of muscle. In addition to lending strength, muscle is also important for bone density and equilibrium

  • 7 grams of fiber

Fiber it crucial to moving waste out of the body, helps lower cholesterol, and aids in weight loss and.

  • Full spectrum of B vitamins including B12

The B vitamins participate in energy production and support the health of the nervous system. They are depleted during times of stress.

  • Minerals

Rich in magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, and chromium (blood sugar regulator).

  • Nucleotides

Nucleoties are the building blocks of DNA and RNA – the key to healthy cells providing benefits such as improved energy, brain fog elimination, improved skin, and protects against hair loss.

  • Glutathione

Glutathione is the body’s most important antioxidant. It is found within every cell, where it neutralizes free radicals, supports detoxification and strengthens immunity.  Glutathione has anti-aging properties to keep you looking young!

  • Lecithin

Lecithin is a healthy fat that acts as a building block of cell membranes. It is an excellent source of choline and inositol, B vitamin-like compounds that are involved in the body’s transport of fats and that support nervous system function.

  • Beta-Glucans

Beta-glucans activate macrophages, which are white blood cells that our immune system uses as its initial line of defense against infections and tumors.  It is also helpful in preventing coronary artery disease by lowering LDL and increasing HDL levels.

Who knew a few sprinkles could pack such a punch?


About the Author

Lynnel Bjorndal

Lynnel Bjorndal

Digestion, Hormonal Balance, Weight loss Holistic Nutritionist Weight Loss

British Columbia

Hi!  I am the Director of the NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition and a Holistic Nutritionist with over 20 years of experience. I am passionate...

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2 Responses to “Nutritional Yeast – A True Powerhouse”

  1. […] why we add nutritional yeast?   Once you read this article, you will be adding it to a lot more of your […]

  2. […] why we add nutritional yeast?   Once you read this article, you will be adding it to a lot more of your […]

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