Jennifer Butler

Holistic Nutrition Coach Vancouver

Always one to do what she wanted, when she wanted and how she wanted, that lifestyle was quickly closing in on her.  Jennifer became interested in nutrition several years ago when little red bumps started showing up to form harsh red circles mimicking ringworm on her legs, and now hands.  A skin condition known as Granuloma Annulare which is fairly common but little is known about it.  Doctors didn’t always have the knowledge or the time to listen and she probably wouldn’t like what they would have suggested anyway.  Believing she could alleviate some serious symptoms and heal her body from the inside out, was what made sense to her.  Knowing that eating good, healthy food helps us become good and healthy, she recognized a holistic way of nutrition was the path she needed to be on.  Watching others also suffer from illness, wanting to help, knowing there were answers put the wheels in motion and she decided to become a Holistic Health Coach.

Posts by Jennifer Butler

Hello Aloe!

The Super Hero of All Plants Aloe Vera is known as the healer plant, it has everything from Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Enzymes and Anthraquinones...

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Tap Water Nutraphoria

Parched: Should We Be Drinking Tap Water?

We all know the human body is made up of at least 60% water and we’ve heard countless times to drink at least 8 glasses a...

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Switchel – Make The Switch from Sports Drinks

Fancy a thirst quenching mega drink that packs some pretty big health punches?  I have just the thing! This my friends is called “Switchel,” a popular drink from...

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