Melanie Leclerc

Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition Longueuil

Hi! I am Mel and I truly enjoy helping people and spreading the knowledge ! Having been involved in science since college and having worked many years in environment testing labs, I wanted to push further my understanding of the connection between where we live, what we eat, how we feel and what we become.

Being a food lover and caring about health and environment as much as I do have gotten me to dive in Holistic Nutrition in 2018. Pushing further my comprehension of the human body and the link between our modern lifestyle and its implication on our wellness became a passion I would like to share with you!


Posts by Melanie Leclerc

Raw Vegan Dessert Nutraphoria

Raw Vegan Cocoa and Berries Cake

Living in a world where added sugar is hiding in pretty much everything, here’s a recipe that will satisfy your sugar craving without the guilt....

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